RJ Cleared to View Three More of The OSI Files

The Six Million Dollar Man and The Bionic Woman were among my favorite shows as a kid. Certainly, they were the most successful SF /Superhero shows in an era when SF and superheroes had very little success on TV (I still remember so many favorite shows disappearing after a season, one after the other, but I digress). So I was excited in December of 2018 to appear on the Facebook Live / Podcast program The OSI Files with co-hosts John S. Drew and Jerry Lange.  Not only could I let my Bionic nerd flag fly, but also discuss my first ever TV star crush Farrah Fawcett (because I was a boy and it was 1976, and it was kind of the law).

I had a heck of a lot of fun.  You can read all about my appearance and view it in full here.

The OSI Files have continued to air new episodes roughly in order of the original run. So now we’re coming back to the next Farrah appearance, so I’ve been invited back to discuss The Golden Pharaoh on…*screech*

Okay, hold that thought.